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Other Modeling & Data Analysis Approaches

Many business problems may not fall into the categories described on the proceeding pages, but we can still help you better understand your situation by reviewing and analyzing your data and developing appropriate modeling approaches as necessary.

In many cases, we can perform reasonably straightforward data analysis and visualization to help you see trends and patterns in your data that may clarify the situation and guide strategy development. For example, we might employ regression analysis to determine market drivers or use statistical forecasting methods to project market trends.

Case Study: A client wished to evaluate their pricing and contracting strategy in preparation for a re-launch of their product. We analyzed past sales and contracting data to estimate the price elasticity for this product. Based on the results of this analysis, we provided direction to the client as to what contracting terms might enhance their market position while still preserving profitability.

Case Study: Another client wanted to improve their physician contracting efforts through better pricing strategy and more focused physician targeting. We helped the client analyze their data to identify a pricing strategy that would improve order volume, as well as classify their current account performance on several metrics to assist in determining which accounts to cultivate further vs. which to lay fallow.

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